Wolf |
Hazel Pro |
https://wolf.aidaluu.com |
https://hazel.aidaluu.com |
Platform |
macOS |
Windows |
Style |
Responsive |
Responsive |
Summary |
Creates professional mobile-friendly designs, recommended for responsive layouts. |
Responsive designer |
Auto-converts to mobile layout |
Layers |
Single layer |
Single layer and multi-section carousel |
Layout |
Responsive Bootstrap grid, objects align within responsive sections |
Responsive Bootstrap grid, objects align within responsive sections |
Lightbox galleries |
Slideshows |
Web forms |
HTML snippets |
Tables |
Shared theme management |
Responsive sections |
Collapsible navigation menu |
Parallax image background |
Image animation hover effects |
Expandable text and image panel |
Text carousels |
Source file exports |
https://wolf.aidaluu.com |
https://hazel.aidaluu.com |